Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A new beginning


It has been quite some time since I have logged on and posted my thoughts on this blog. I have been pondering whether to discard this blog or to keep it and continue with it. Well; as the title indicates, I have decided to keep the blog and continue to post my thoughts, dreams and aspirations here.

It has been about a year since I have last posted something meaningful here and I have been wondering where I am going to find the time to do this, now that I have made this decision. I will just have to make time somehow as this blog has been my way of keeping track of my state of mind; my well-being.

I cannot promise that this will be a regular feature, but my sitting here tonight writing this post is a start, a new beginning. If you have enjoyed my previous posts, then come back regularly to check whether I have posted anything new. Who knows, there may just be something which will pique your curiosity or get you thinking...
