A stranger's just a friend you do not know...

I sat thinking as I observed this scene playing out below me; "We pass people every day of our lives, bumping into them as we jostle along busy pavements going about our daily activities. The odd “I’m sorry” or “excuse me”, most times getting irritated by the “closeness” of the people around you, the environment forcing them into what today is known as our “personal space”. I miss the days when we were less technical and friendlier, where a “good morning” or “good afternoon” accompanied by a smile was the order of the day. We seemed to have had more time for each other then, we were more personable, more approachable. Today you are lucky to be given directions should you be lost. I look at the people below and I start wondering about them. Are they really as happy as they portray or is it a façade? All of them strangers, passing by each other, intent only on the business of the day. Friendliness seems to be a trait long forgotten, replaced by a self-centeredness ."
Life would be easier if we were friendlier, people smiling and being courteous toward each other as they go about their business and where strangers are made to feel welcome. Personally I love meeting new people. I love getting to know people from all walks of life, different cultures, different ways of thinking. How else can I improve the person I am? In today's society it has become extremely difficult to do this. Should you approach anyone without being requested to do so, you are looked upon as if you are mad; that there has to be something wrong with you. People automatically close up, their "burglar bars" coming down to protect them from the world, their eyes filled with suspicion and dread. They are like dear caught in your headlights and you are the vehicle. You see their indecision as they step back and attempt to walk around you as you approach them, panic taking over their every action. It is actually quite funny, you should try it sometime. This highlights the state of our society, the world we live in. I may be wrong when it comes to small towns and I apologise if I am generalising, but in the big city it sure is this way. Thinking of this brings a song to mind; a song my father used to play as I was growing up. It goes something like this:
“If ever your life is lonely, if ever you’re feeling low. There's one thing you must remember - A stranger’s just a friend you do not know.”
- Jim Reeves: A stranger’s just a friend
Thinking about this song, I got up from the chair I was sitting on and killed my cigarette, then finished the last of my now cold cup of coffee and went back to my desk leaving the hustle and bustle below.
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