Tuesday, June 27, 2006


I have just finished reading an article dealing with perceptions and this got me thinking, "How am I perceived by others? Does my appearance, actions or verbal communication portray a false image of who I am?" Most times our self-perception contradicts the reality. Why? - because perception is NOT reality. How we see or experience things differ from person to person. This being the case, how do I close the gap between the way I see myself and the reality which is me?

My mother always told me, "The first impression is a lasting impression, so make sure you look good." I find that although this may be so it is also presents us with a false impression or perception. Only once we have spent a reasonable amount of time with someone do we get to see the true person, yet it is this first sighting or perception with which we decide whether we like or dislike someone. Going back to my question, "How do I close the gap between the way I see myself and the reality which is me?"

If I were asked to describe myself, the first thought that would come to mind is private. I am a very private individual which is why I started this blog in the first place. I am hoping that through this blog people can see who I am. It is a place where I hope that I can display my beliefs, opinions, thoughts, feelings, dreams and fears as these are the things which make me who I am. My being a private person is the reality of who I am yet people perceive me to be an outgoing, fun filled individual who is always joking and clowning around. The description of how I am perceived and the reality of who I am are poles apart and through my writing I wish to allow others into "Sean's Secret Place" - my mind. I wish show those who read this another side to me. I never allow anyone into my thoughts, nor do I share these beliefs, opinions, thoughts, feelings, dreams and fears very easily. To do so is to open myself to ridicule so I shut myself in the corridors of my mind and keep whatever I find there to myself.

"A fellow can't keep people from having a bad opinion about him, but he can keep them from being right about it." - Author Unknown

How true this statement is. You cannot control people's thoughts or opinions about you but you CAN keep them from being right about it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. We seem unable to differentiate between opinion, perception and fact. So with my ramblings on this site I intend to "open" myself more to others. No matter how wrong my thoughts or opinions, they are mine. This is the most important thing. It is about me and my getting to know me. Hopefully through this medium I can close the gap between my self-perception and the reality which is me.


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