Friday, June 23, 2006


It has been some time (more than a month) since I put my thoughts down on paper. Even as I sit here now, I still don't know what I am going to be putting down here today. Life has happened and it's interference has me at a place where I don't enjoy being. My thoughts have been in disarray and I haven't been thinking one specific thought which makes it difficult to put anything down on paper.

No matter where you see yourself or how you plan your life, it never seems to go the way you envisioned it. The disappointment which goes with this is what has prevented me from being more active in my writing here. It's not just the disappointment you have to contend with, it is also the baggage that it brings along. Baggage such as unhappiness, negativity, resentment... the list goes on and on and on. The longer this persists, the heavier this baggage become because each day something new gets added to it and before you know it, you are snowed under and the disappointment takes over your life.

Today I have decided to sit here and see what develops and I hope that by doing so I can move on and start writing more posts. I started this site as a form of "therapy", using it to reveal more of myself and unlock the doors which keep people from reaching out to me because they do not understand me. I am a very private individual and I cherish this privacy and I find it easier to communicate my thoughts, feelings and dreams through the written word. Maybe this affords me a false sense of security, but at least it gives me the courage to do this.

Of late I have been consumed by an unhappiness caused by "people" taking advantage of me. The "people" taking advantage of me are not people who I would call close or dear to me and this is what makes the situation even more unbearable as it has started affecting my personal and social life and indirectly it is also affecting those closest and dearest to me. Learning to handle this has been difficult for me but I realise that I cannot leave the situation as it is. I need to do something positive so that I can get over this hurdle in my life. So my post here today is my first step...

"You don't have to let what others say or do affect you negatively. Others may say the words or perform the action, but YOU choose YOUR attitude."


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